SMIT Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 02239)
SMIT Holdings Limited
Flexible Force Sensors and Solutions

High performance acquisition device

    The acquisition electronics uses high-speed processing chip and array ADC processing, its force resolution can support up to 4096. The force data acquired is processed by multi modules inside the device, which makes the force data acquisition more accurate and fast.

High-precision sensor

    SMiTSense developed various models of standard sensors which can meet most of the use cases. Each sensors will be calibrated before leaving the factory, which can ensure that different positions of the same sensor have good consistency and repeatability when measuring the same pressure, and the measurement deviation within 3%. The sensor also can be highly customized according to customer requirements, to meet the needs of most pressure measurement scenarios.


Automatic calibration

    SMiTSense developed several models of calibration equipment which can be used for different sensors to calibrate, the equipment can cover 10PSI to 10000PSI force range. The deviation analysis and balance calibration of repeatability, uniformity and consistency of each sensors can be automatically carried out to ensure that its performance meet the requirements.


Rich software analysis features

    The "2D" and "3D" pressure dynamic graphs display the pressure mapping of the current acquisition device in real time, accurately to the pressure value of each sensing unit, and automatically analyze the pressure data in various dimensions, with rich image and data processing capabilities, presenting accurate and detailed measurement results, which can be recorded and stored to reproduce the whole measurement process. According to the measurement requirements, support secondary data analysis and secondary development.


Working hours ( Monday to Friday ) 9:00-18:0086-755-61363366
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